Richard Phillip A. Gonzalo, CPA, MSFin
Assistant Professor
Destination Development; Community Organizing in Tourism; Enterprise Development in Tourism; Tourism and Social Development; Culture and Tourism; Gender and Tourism; Voluntourism; Investment Planning; Disaster and Crisis Management; Financial and Strategic Management; Student Affairs and Higher Education Administrationragonzalo@up.edu.ph
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Year | Bibliograpic Information |
2022 | Alibudbud, R., & Gonzalo, R. P. (2022). Social Determinants of Coping among Filipino Cultural Educators in the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Journal (SHE Journal), 3(2), 170-184. |
2020 | Co-Author, From COVID-19 Crisis to the Next Normal: A Tourism Crisis Management Framework for Local Tourism Offices in the Philippines, Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality 2020, Virtual [Research Presentation]; RICHARD PHILIP A. GONZALO (University of the Philippines, Diliman), VICTORIA H. VILLEGAS-BACAY (University of the Philippines, Diliman), RIELLE CHRISTIAN D. ALCANTARA (University of the Philippines, Diliman) |
2020 | Co-Author, Responding to the COVID-19 Tourism Crisis: Tourism Officers and Staff at the Forefront, Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality 2020, Virtual [Research Presentation]; RICHARD PHILIP A. GONZALO (University of the Philippines, Diliman), VICTORIA H. VILLEGAS-BACAY (University of the Philippines, Diliman), RIELLE CHRISTIAN D. ALCANTARA (University of the Philippines, Diliman |
2020 | Co-Author, Organizing Tourism Stakeholders in the New Normal, Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality 2020, Virtual [Research Presentation]; RIELLE CHRISTIAN D. ALCANTARA (University of the Philippines, Diliman); RICHARD PHILIP A. GONZALO (University of the Philippines, Diliman); VICTORIA H. VILLEGAS-BACAY (University of the Philippines, Diliman) |
2019 | Bawagan, A. B., Mena, M. M., Gonzalo, R.P.A., and Obedicen, V. G. (2019). Learning Tourism Destination: Contributions towards Community Education and Social Development. Philippine Journal of Social Development 12. |
2019 | Gender in Tourism Education: Key Challenges When Introducing Gender and Development (GAD) in Philippine Higher Tourism Education Program, Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality 2019, UP AIT, Diliman, Quezon City [Research Presentation] |
2019 | Guided Tours in Mangrove Forests Managed by Peoples' Organizations: Enhancing Visitor Experience and Advancing Environmental Conservation, Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality 2019, UP AIT, Diliman, Quezon City (with Maloles, Peter Jeffrey V.) [Research Presentation] |
2018 | TVUP (2018 December 22). Cultural Heritage: Culture-based Tourism by Richard Philip A. Gonzalo. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgcsC20UDcg&t=1674s. |
2018 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2018). Invited Plenary Presentation – From Farming to Farm Tourism: Orientation on Farm Tourism Development. Bataan Provincial Achievement Day [Theme: Farm Tourism: Sustainable Vibrant Communities through A & F’s Local Farm Product Promotion and Development]. Balanga City, Bataan, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2018 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2018). Invited Plenary Presentation – Sustainable Tourism and the Role of Tourism Enterprises. 11th EdukCircle International Convention on Tourism and Hospitality. Quezon City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2018 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2018). Invited Plenary Presentation – Tourism as a Social Force in Emerging Island Destinations. Kapihan sa Quezon. Jomalig, Quezon, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2018 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2018). The Social Drivers of Tourism Development in the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan 2011-2016. 2018 Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality. Baguio City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2018 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2018). Women and Gender Equality in the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan 2011-2016. 2018 Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality. Baguio City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2018 | Villegas-Bacay, V.H., and Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2018). The Local Government Unit’s Role in Overtourism: Mandates, Actions, and Exploring Interventions Employed. 2018 Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality. Baguio City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2018 | Alcantara, R.C., and Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2018). The Local Government as Tourism Change Agent: Exploring and Actor-centered and Agent-based Tourism Planning Approach. 2018 Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality. Baguio City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2017 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2017). A Methodological Guide on the use of Cost-Benefit-Analysis for Tourism Zone Evaluation. 2017 Philippine Research Conference on Tourism and Hospitality. Quezon City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2017 | Mena, M., R.P.A. Gonzalo, A.O. Mendoza, M.F. Mendoza, A. Bawagan, & R. Asuncion (2017). Invited Poster Presentation – Learning Tourism Destinations: Creating functional partnerships and initiating positive change for sustainable tourism development in local economies. University of the Philippines 2017 OVPAA Research Symposium. Quezon City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2017 | Agustin, F.M. J.B. Dorado, R.P.A. Gonzalo, & M. Royandoyan, M. (2017). Human Development of Filipina Migrant Workers: An Assessment of the 2011-2016 Philippine Labor and Employment Plan. 3rd Vietnam-Philippines Research Forum – Thanglong University and University of the Philippines. Hanoi, Vietnam. [Research Presentation] |
2017 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2017). Invited Plenary Presentation – Management Research: Facilitating Academe- Industry Collaborations through Research. Conference on Engaging Best Practices of the Industry & Academe Research Collaboration, organized by CHIM Our Lady of Fatima University. Quezon City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2017 | Henares, I.A.S., R.S. Soriano, V.J. Soriano, R.P.A. Gonzalo, E.l. Llaguno, & K.M.C. Gotera (2017). Invited Paper Presentation – The Establishment of a Sustainability Science Demonstration Pilot Project on the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. Workshop on Strenghtening Science-Policy-Society Interface for Implementing Sustainability Science for Biodiversity Conservation in ASEAN and Asia Pacific Region. Manila, Philippines [Research Presentation] |
2017 | Mena, M., R.P.A. Gonzalo, Mendoza, A.O., Mendoza, M.F., and Bawagan, A. (2017). Identifying the Learning Instances in a Tourism Destination: The Case of Maribojoc, Bohol, Philippines. 7th International Conference on Tourism. Chiang Mai, Thailand. [Research Presentation] |
2017 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2017). Tourism as a Development Option in Island Municipalities. 3rd Vietnam- Philippines Research Forum – Thanglong University and University of the Philippines. Hanoi, Vietnam. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Medrana, J.G.L and R.P.A. Gonzalo (2016). Visitor Motivation and Destinations with Archaeological Significance in the Philippines. Hukay, 20, 79-114. |
2016 | Mena, M., Mendoza, A.O., Mendoza, M.F., Bawagan, A. & R.P.A. Gonzalo (2016). An Interdisciplinary Research in Creating a Learning Tourism Destination: The Case of Maribojoc, Bohol. University of Surrey School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Conference. Surrey, United Kingdom. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Mena, M., Mendoza, A.O., Mendoza, M.F., Bawagan, A. & R.P.A. Gonzalo (2016). Learning Tourism Destinations for Sustainable Tourism Development in local economies: The Case of Maribojoc, Bohol. 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference. Hong Kong. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Mena, M., Mendoza, A.O., Mendoza, M.F., Bawagan, A. & R.P.A. Gonzalo (2016). Invited Paper Presentation – Learning Tourism Destinations: Creating functional partnerships and initiating positive change for sustainable tourism development in local economies. University of the Philippines 2016 OVPAA Research Symposium. Quezon City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2016). Invited Plenary Presentation – Master Planning as a Tool for Tourism Governance. 2nd Quezon Tourism Plenary. Municipality of Tagkawayan, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2016). Invited Plenary Presentation – Prospects and Challenges for Field-based Learning in Tourism Public Service Institutions in the Philippines. 2016 Tytana Academic Conference on Academe-Industry Partnerships: Perspectives, Experiences, Innovations. Pasay City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Henares, I.A.S., R.S. Soriano, V.J. Soriano, R.P.A. Gonzalo, E.l. Llaguno, & K.M.C. Gotera (2016). The Establishment of a Sustainability Science Demonstration Pilot Project on the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. International Conference: Asia Policy Dialogue on Water, Energy, and Food Security for Poverty Alleviation in Dryland Regions. Rawalpindi, Pakistan. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2016). Invited Lecture Presentation – Tourism and Sustainable Development – The Challenge for Tourism Enterprise Development. UPSURGE: Shaping Economies through Heightened Tourism. Quezon City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2016 | Medrana, J.G.L. & R.P.A. Gonzalo (2016). Visitor Motivation and Destinations with Archaeological Significance in the Philippines. 2nd Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology. Bangkok, Thailand. [Research Presentation] |
2015 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2015). Post-disaster Volunteer Tourism: Using Voluntourism as a Disaster Recovery Strategy. APUGSM (Asia Pacific University Graduate School of Management) Boracay Conference, Malay, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2015 | Febrero, M.D., M. Fresno, & R.P.A. Gonzalo. (2015) The Potential for Tourism Development in Disaster- stricken Destinations: The Case of Loon, Bohol. TEAM Philippines Conference. City of Manila, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2015 | Esmeña, I.D.C., J.S.B. Ignacio, & R.P.A. Gonzalo. (2015). Travel Behavior of Families that have Children with Special Needs (CSN). TEAM Philippines (Tourism Educators and Movers Philippines) Conference. City of Manila, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2014 | Gustilo, G.B., S.R.L. Manuel, & R.P.A. Gonzalo (2014). Into the Concert Bubble: Exploring Music Tourists’ Liminal Experience. APTA 2014 Conference. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. [Research Presentation] |
2014 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2014). Invited Paper Presentation – Volunteer Tourism as a Disaster Recovery Strategy: The case of Bohol, Philippines. Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan. [Research Presentation] |
2014 | Alcantara, R.C., Bravo, A., & R.P.A. Gonzalo (2014). Saûna: Heritage value of ancestral houses in San Juan, Batngas as perceived by the tourism stakeholders. APacCHRIE 2014 Conference. Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. [Research Presentation] |
2014 | Opong, R.V., L.R.S.D. Singson, & R.P.A. Gonzalo (2014). Tourism as a source of self-fulfillment and empowerment: Lived experiences of the visually impaired tourists in the Philippines. APacCHRIE (Asia Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education) 2014 Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Research Presentation] |
2014 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2014). Volunteer Tourism as a Disaster Recovery Strategy: The role of local communities and volunteers in post-disaster voluntourism in Bohol, Philippines. 7th EARCAG (East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography). Osaka, Japan. [Research Presentation] |
2013 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2013). Wika at Turismo: ang Papel ng Wika sa Pagsusulong ng Pangangasiwang Panturismo [Language and Tourism: the role of language in advancing tourism management]. Silawan 2013: Pedagohikal at Inklusibong Pagtuturo ng Filipino [Silawan 2013: Pedagogical and Inclusive teaching of Filipino language], Baguio City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2011 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2011). Exploring social enterprises as partners for Ecotourism development in the Philippines. International Journal of Agricultural Travel and Tourism, 2(2), 152-162. |
2011 | Cruz, R.G., R.P.A. Gonzalo, & L. Ubaldo (2011) Educational travel Expenditure by Tourism Students in Metro Manila. APTA 2011 Conference. Seoul, South Korea. [Research Presentation] |
2011 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2011). Exploring social enterprises as partners for Ecotourism development in the Philippines. 7th Biennial Symposium on Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure of IACTHR, Austria and 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Tourism Management. Chiang Mai, Thailand. [Research Presentation] |
2011 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. & Dulnuan, J. (2011). Tourism as a development strategy: an assessment of selected statistical indicators currently in use to support tourism planning and policy formulation for local economic development. 2011 Philippine Statistical Conference. Iloilo City, Philippines. [Research Presentation] |
2009 | Gonzalo, R.P.A. (2009). Cost Volume Profit (CVP) analysis for evaluating the economic viability of community-based tour packages. 2nd UP AIT Conference on Tourism and Hospitality. Marikina City, Phiippines. [Research Presentation] |
2001 | Organized by the Center for Kapampangan Studies and Cavite Studies Center (DLSU-D) Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Pampanga Henares, I.A.S. Filipino Alcaldes Mayores in the Province of Pampanga September 3-5, 2001 1st International Conference on Kapampangan Studies Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Pampanga [Research Presentation] |
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question in mind? We listed down some of the Frequently Asked Questions to help and guide you. If you have further questions not covered in this FAQ, please send us an inquiry through daa.ait@up.edu.ph
How to apply in the BS Tourism Program?
To be eligible in the BS Tourism Program, you need to pass the UP College Admission (UPCA)/UP College Admission Test UPCAT).
For students who are planning to shift or transfer to the BS Tourism program, you must have completed 30 units of coursework (if you are from other UPD units or other UP campus) or 33 units of coursework (if you are from other college and university)
The documentary requirements can be found here.
For more information and other queries, send an email with your concern to asianinstituteoftourism.upd@up.edu.ph
Are there scholarship offerings for UPAIT students? The graduate program of UPAIT offers the MSTDM scholarship award, with one awardee annually. For other scholarship opportunities for BS Tourism and Graduate Program, visit the UP Diliman Office of Scholarships and Grants Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/UPDilimanOSG
The UP AIT Alumni Association also offers an educational assistance in cash to deserving third and fourth year students.
The application process is conducted online. Please ensure that you have read and understood the program details before submitting your application here. Once you have completed the application requirements, you can now proceed to submit your application.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Graduate Program office at aitgradprog.upd@up.edu.phFull-time GDipTDM students, taking a normal load, may complete the degree in three semesters (approximately 1.5 years). The time limit for the completion of all diploma requirements shall be no more than two (2) years starting from the student’s first enrollment in the course and shall include all leaves of absence from the program.
If GDipTDM graduates choose to continue to MSTDM, you must complete an additional 19 units (Plan A, thesis track) or 16 units (Plan B, non-thesis track), which may be taken in two semesters and one mid-year term. The time limit for the completion of the Master’s requirements shall be three (3) years, starting from the student’s first enrollment in the course and shall include all leaves of absence from the program.
Students and prospective applicants are requested to search for available grants or scholarships at the University of the Philippines Office of Scholarships and Student Services.
For list of available scholarships visit the website of the University of the Philippines Office of Student Scholarships.
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